It’s been said over and over again, but it might as well be said again: Pune is growing. Pune is growing at a rate like never before. And it will keep growing. The IT sector is driving most of this growth, and companies rush to the IT parks located in and around Baner to capitalize. People are demanding more from companies, they expect to be given more for their work. We’re in a  modern age, and your companies deserve modern offices to help them not only keep up with the rush, but to also distinguish them, and rise a cut above. Are you ready for the move ahead? Introducing: Ambrosia Galaxy Baner, one of the best commercial properties in Baner, here to provide you with all your office space needs.


Ambrosia Galaxy Baner is located at the strategic T- Junction on Pancard Club road, in proximity to business lounges, IT parks and several malls. This places it in a bustling commercial area that can help you connect with other businesses and clients to work efficiently. The surrounding landmarks give you recognisability and visibility, raising the prestige and influence of your business even higher.  It also lets you stay connected, being close to various important highways and the Pune railway station. This connectivity can serve you well as your company becomes located at the centre of commercial activity in Pune. You can easily travel to and receive clients from distant locations.

Finally, Ambrosia Galaxy is located close to the prime residential areas such as Bavdhan, Pashan, Aundh and Wakad. Your employees can discover an incredible work-life balance, and better quality of life. That kind of proximity can attract workers to your organization and make them more amenable to continue working with you over the years. A good work-life balance has also been shown to result in more productive employees and help further your organization’s efficiency.


Ambrosia Galaxy Baner provides you with high-speed elevators and Wi-Fi to keep everything moving smoothly and promptly, as well as a power backup to ensure that work isn’t interrupted and productivity isn’t compromised. The CCTV security on every floor and closed parking space ensures maximum safety and convenience for your workers. 

But these are just the basics, the bare minimum that any office space worth its name should give you. Where Ambrosia Galaxy Baner goes above and beyond is in its wide variety of corporate amenities. These amenities include recreational and socializing spaces like cafeterias, dining rooms, on-site gyms & yoga rooms, and others. They focus on your employee’s health and wellness, Daycare facilities allow those with young children to also work without too much concern or worry. Extraordinary amenities like these are what make your workspace a positive environment, one that will attract a talented workforce and have their employees return with joy.

The conference room is ideal for you to hold important meetings and deliberations within your organization or with your clients. A luxurious guest lounge and high quality rooms for several days stay can give them a positive impression of your hospitality when receiving clients from distant parts. These amenities let us provide you with the best commercial property in Baner.

Design and Architecture

Ambrosia Galaxy Baner gives you functionality and aesthetics. Every floor is meticulously planned out and charted to ensure the space is used optimally. Our open floor plans are designed to give offices a spacious, almost welcoming feel to them. The free space lets your employees work at their best and without obstruction. Meanwhile, the grand and sleek architecture gives your space a sense of refinement and prestige. The clean lines and clear-cut spaces makes it feel organized and modern. Working here will feel significant. Ambrosia Galaxy Baner will become a place where you feel encouraged to give your best. 


Pune’s work environment is changing rapidly, and so are its workers. The best talent looks only for the best amenities that will support them. People want to work in spaces that feel good to work in. That’s the way of modern office spaces: giving employees the amenities and facilities they need to live a comfortable life, so that they are also motivated to give back and work their best for their organization. That is the motto Ambrosia Galaxy Baner embraces. That’s what places it a cut above other real estate agencies in Pune- it elevates the workplace to a positive, optimistic and productive space, making it the best commercial property in Baner. If you’re looking for the best luxury office spaces in Pune, contact Ambrosia Galaxy Baner today and take your business to the next level.