People have always had big dreams. And those big dreams, if not handled carefully, can hurt those around us. Over the years, humanity has been making huge leaps and strides, but have been careless about their execution. We’ve reached a crisis point, sustainability is the only way forward. More and more considerations are being taken for the environment, and the impact we have on it. Here in Baner, Pune as the IT sector grows, companies and real estate buildings adopt more and more sustainable practices and infrastructure, creating sustainable commercial developments in Baner, or “Green Buildings”.

Eco-friendly practices for sustainable commercial developments

Solar Panels: Solar panels are an excellent sustainable solution for commercial buildings. As time passes and our traditional supplies of power dwindle, electricity prices will skyrocket. On the other hand, solar panels create a reliable source of energy that can even generates a surplus amount. The surplus can lead to an immediate decrease in day-to-day expenses and a long term increase in profits. Office spaces use huge amounts of electricity, and the environmental impact of that can be minimised and cut down with the use of solar panels. 

Rainwater Harvesting: An efficient water management system is vital in the construction of sustainable structures. Rainwater is a source of water that can often go wasted, and water is a resource whose shortage is something that actually occurs very often. A water shortage can also heavily impact productivity and interrupt the normal proceedings of the workplace. Rainwater harvesting can help increase workplace efficiency while still contributing to sustainability

Energy-Efficient Lighting: We’ve already noted that office buildings consume large amounts of power. While Solar power can contribute to dealing with this consumption, energy efficient lighting is an important and easy way to supplement it. The usage of LEDs has already become the norm dues to their energy efficient characteristics. Apart from this, effective use of natural lighting and options to dim lights without switching them off entirely, also contribute effectively to their usage.  These small details can make a significant contribution to reducing a company’s carbon footprint.

Long-Term Advantages of Sustainable Commercial Developments

Cost Savings: Reduced energy and water usage usually results in low operational costs for green structures. These savings can substantially increase profits and reduce overhead charges.

Enhanced Corporate Image: Green building occupants of sustainable commercial developments in Baner demonstrate corporate steps that can do wonders. Buying an office in a green building is a choice that shows a company is making an active choice to be more conscious. By showing that the company is aware of the impact and importance of sustainability, people are able to put more faith and trust in the company. A sustainable style of working can help raise a company’s prestige and repute. 

Healthier working environment:. An environmentally conscious and sustainable building is generally of better indoor quality in terms of air and lighting. This creates a positive and healthy working environment in which your employees can maximize their productivity and enhance your company’s services and products to the next level. 


Ambrosia Galaxy provides premium office spaces and sustainable commercial developments in Baner designed to help your company optimize itself and function better as a whole. One of these considerations were sustainable practices, which Ambrosia Galaxy has implemented thoroughly.

Ambrosia Galaxy uses solar panels for its energy needs, deciding to invest in the environment and the earth. Furthermore, energy saving lights in order to optimize energy usage in a cost-efficient and responsible manner have been installed. 

These green commercial properties also participate in rainwater harvesting in order to help it fulfil its water related needs. These can be used in a pinch during a water shortage to help ensure normal workflow is not disturbed. 

The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages when investing in sustainability, and Ambrosia Galaxy’s workspaces 


Becoming sustainable isn’t just a good choice any more. It’s a necessity. As scientists discover better and cheaper technology that can help the environment, they will become the best investment for the future. Ambrosia Galaxy is committed to eco-friendly practices, and to providing the resources for adopting these to companies. Investing in the future needs to start now. Begin with Ambrosia Galaxy.